Friday, February 24, 2006

So I finally bought an iPod.... Got me one of them new-fangled music player thingies....

Picked up the 30gb iPod that plays videos. We'll see how much I like it. I love my tune-age, but I'm not much of a gadget guy. I'm actually looking forward to being able to listen to podcasts instead of having to read the paper five times over and over when I take BART to my occasional work gigs in San Francisco.

The damn thing even came with white stickers of the Apple logo. Give me a break. I just dropped a small fortune for this thing, and now I'm going to advertise for you for FREE? Wow, such chutzpuh...

One thing I've never liked about the iPod is iTunes. What a piece of shit application. I've had to configure it more than a few times for folks where I work and I just hate it. Someone should come up with a freeware app that does all of it better. Please.

I've got 5200 songs? 20.1gb's worth? Cool....


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