Barry used steroids? Well, I am shocked! SHOCKED! ...
... to use a quote from Claude Rains' character in 'Casablanca'....
WTF? Is anyone who knows anything scientific about steroid use all that surprised that, gee, Barry's been on the juice for a number of years now? His physique shows almost all the classic signs of steroid and HGH abuse (no apparent acne) and has for many years now. Why the surprise?
Apparently this new book, 'Game of Shadows' by San Francisco Chronicle reporters Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, meticulously details basically irrefutable proof that Bonds has used steroids and HGH for a long, long time.
The amazing thing about the book is that apparently most of the research was done on public testimony and culled from public records. This is very much different from much of the reporting that has so far been done on Bonds because they almost always relied on anonymous sources. A lot of the source material in the book apparently comes from testimony from named folks. Uh oh for Bonds....
But this isn't new ground, nor is it going to change people's current perceptions of Bonds. At this point, you're either a Barry Hater (me included) or a Barry Apologist... if you care about Barry at all. This book isn't going to change any minds, although it may make some currently indifferent about it all Barry Haters.
I don't know how Barry's body can say it any lounder: he's done steroids... and he's done a LOT of them. Just look at his body now. When you stop using steroids, your body reverts and regresses. Gee, what a coincidence that he doesn't have nearly the muscle tone or lean muscle mass that he did just a year or two ago. More stringent steroid testing and him suddenly looking like he's no longer on the juice? Hmmmm...
Fucking dork factor in all this: Mark Fainaru-Wada used to be known simply as 'Mark Fainaru' until he married a woman whose last name is 'Wada'. And, so cute, they each decided to hyphenate their respective last names with the other's last name!
What a dorky and lame thing to do. Weird, too.
Dana Reeve, may your soul rest in peace.
... to use a quote from Claude Rains' character in 'Casablanca'....
WTF? Is anyone who knows anything scientific about steroid use all that surprised that, gee, Barry's been on the juice for a number of years now? His physique shows almost all the classic signs of steroid and HGH abuse (no apparent acne) and has for many years now. Why the surprise?
Apparently this new book, 'Game of Shadows' by San Francisco Chronicle reporters Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, meticulously details basically irrefutable proof that Bonds has used steroids and HGH for a long, long time.
The amazing thing about the book is that apparently most of the research was done on public testimony and culled from public records. This is very much different from much of the reporting that has so far been done on Bonds because they almost always relied on anonymous sources. A lot of the source material in the book apparently comes from testimony from named folks. Uh oh for Bonds....
But this isn't new ground, nor is it going to change people's current perceptions of Bonds. At this point, you're either a Barry Hater (me included) or a Barry Apologist... if you care about Barry at all. This book isn't going to change any minds, although it may make some currently indifferent about it all Barry Haters.
I don't know how Barry's body can say it any lounder: he's done steroids... and he's done a LOT of them. Just look at his body now. When you stop using steroids, your body reverts and regresses. Gee, what a coincidence that he doesn't have nearly the muscle tone or lean muscle mass that he did just a year or two ago. More stringent steroid testing and him suddenly looking like he's no longer on the juice? Hmmmm...
Fucking dork factor in all this: Mark Fainaru-Wada used to be known simply as 'Mark Fainaru' until he married a woman whose last name is 'Wada'. And, so cute, they each decided to hyphenate their respective last names with the other's last name!
What a dorky and lame thing to do. Weird, too.
Dana Reeve, may your soul rest in peace.
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